Other 公约 Presentations from the 图书馆资源
Industry Research: New Insights from Plant Maintenance Customers
Findings from the from the fifth EASA research study conducted of end-user customers.
回顾欧洲航空安全局2023年公约 & 解决方案的世博会 by buying access to recordings of the general sessions and education events streamed from EASA's website! 这些录音提供了 刚经过32个小时的训练. Downloadable PDFs of slides and technical papers are included!
回顾EASA的2022年公约 & 解决方案的世博会 by buying access to recordings of the general sessions and education events streamed from EASA's website! 这些录音提供了 差不多44个小时的训练. Downloadable PDFs of slides and technical papers are included!
在2022年欧洲航空安全局大会上提出, this study’s focus is wide ranging and explores general business practices, 财务业绩指标, 服务, 围绕营销和继承的产品和策略.
回顾欧洲航空安全局2021年公约 & 解决方案的世博会 by buying access to recordings of the general sessions and education events streamed from EASA's website! 这些录音提供了 只训练了22个多小时. Downloadable PDFs of slides and technical papers are included!
EASA Research on Growing Your Business: Key Info from the Manufacturer/Supplier Community
This presenation fromthe EASA 2021年公约 focuses on motor manufacturers, 对行业至关重要的供应商和销售商.
Raising capital or selling a business is time consuming and requires significant preparation well before the first potential financing partner or acquirer is contacted. This presentation provides insights on that preparing for that process.
How Has the Economic Downturn Altered Liquidity Options for Business Owners?
尽管经济低迷, there is an abundance of private capital and continuing long-term interest from financial and strategic acquirers in quality businesses. 作为这次演讲的一部分,英国 & Co. will ask a panel of non-control and control investors and acquirers along with a well-known ESOP attorney to explain key aspects of their particular transaction focus and provide their views on how the current downturn is likely to impact overall levels of transaction activity.
Managing Short-Term Liquidity Needs During an Economic Downturn
Solid middle-market businesses are vulnerable to revenue surprises and market volatility as the impact of COVID-19 on the economy is currently demonstrating. While the long-term prospects of your business may not be materially impaired by temporary decreases in customer demand, 项目延迟或供应链中断, the earnings impact can potentially trigger a default under performance-linked financial covenants with a lender.
Employees need help getting through these uncertain and unprecedented times. While it’s our job to provide guidance and encouragement, who is guiding and encouraging us?
Determining Impeller Trim Diameters for Pump Re-Applications
Whether it is a simple re-application of a pump from 50 Hz to 60 Hz (or vice versa), 对现有水泵的重新利用, or the application of a new pump to an existing application, determining the proper trim for an impeller can be challenging.
Centrifugal pump failures are most commonly attributed to seal failure, 叶轮损坏和轴承失效. 对密封件的失效模式有很好的理解, impellers and bearings is essential to providing customers with reliable pump repairs.
This highly-rated economist will discuss the leading economic indicators, which continue to be in chaos given the worldwide pandemic. He will recommend the best course of action for the most important part of the economy – you and your business.
在这段15分钟的录音中, the speaker addresses a very specific thing you can do to help employees through the changing times resulting from COVID-19.
Evolution of Sales: Web 搜索 Secrets to Find the Right Leads, 在正确的时间, 传达正确的信息
The Evolution of Sales is not a new sales process – so you’re not starting over. 而, it’s an evolution of how to identify opportunities and approach prospects in ways where your message is welcomed and appreciated – even in tumultuous times.
作为专业人士, you are contributing to your organization with exceptional skills required for your area of expertise. 作为领导者, you are contributing based on your ability to successfully fill four specific roles of leadership. 在这段15分钟的录音中, the speaker takes a look at those four roles and how to fill the right role for each leadership situation.
Vertical motors differ from horizontal motors in numerous ways, yet some view them as “just a horizontal motor turned on end.” The obvious differences are the (usually) thrust bearings, with arrangements varying from single- to three-thrust bearings with different orientations suited for specific load, RPM和应用程序. Less obvious differences are in the ventilation arrangements, 轴刚度, 保护度和跳动公差. 本录音将涵盖这些主题.
标题说明了一切!! This highly-rated speaker on sales from the 2019 convention is back by popular demand.
在这15分钟的时间里, the speaker discusses what makes bad leaders bad and good leaders good, with an eye on person introspection of our own leadership abilities.